Hope your finger's okay blibble. I was expecting a mishap such as burning a steak or something.

When my younger boy was in fourth grade, he was opening a microwaveable can of pasta. As he was opening the tab and pulled back the top, he sliced a couple of his fingers and needed eight stitches.

His finger was bandaged and he wasn't allowed to play sports for ten games. His team had a playoff game on the ninth day, so we let him play a little early.

While dribbling the ball, he noticed his bandage, which had been covering his fingers, had fallen off. He continued to dribbleas he was searching the floor for it. He finally found it, kept his dribble going and scooped it up. It was only then that he decided to pass to put the bandage on. \:\/

My mishaps are mostly burns from the oven when I'm broiling.