a1, you really missed out on Paul Newman. Here's my list and a few others (in no particular order):

Paul Newman
1. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
2. The Hustler
3. Hud
4. Cool Hand Luke
5. The Long Hot Summer

George C. Scott
1. Patton
2. Dr. Strangelove
3. The Hustler
4. The List of Adrian Messenger
5. The Flim-Flam Man

John Wayne
1. Stagecoach
2. The Searchers
3. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
4. The Quiet Man
5. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon

Michael Douglas
1. Wall Street
2. Falling Down
3. Fatal Attraction
4. The War of the Roses
5. The China Syndrome

Harrison Ford
1. The Fugitive
2. Witness
3. Star Wars
4. Raiders of the Lost Ark
5. Patriot Games

Frank Sinatra
1. Some Came Running
2. The Joker is Wild
3. The Man With the Golden Arm
4. From Here to Eternity
5. A Hole in the Head

Marlon Brando
1. The Godfather
2. On the Waterfront
3. A Streetcar Named Desire
4. The Wild One
5. Apocalypse Now
