Originally Posted By: Don Marco
 Originally Posted By: SC
Hank Steinbrenner, George's son who is probably now running the day-to-day operations of the team, came out publically today taking a shot at Joe Torre. Hanky Panky essentially said Joe Torre was an ingrate because Daddy Steinhitler hired Torre back in '95 when Torre was a nobody, and that he (Torre) was "handed" a great team to manage. Now, as Hanky sees it, Joe is showing himself to be ungrateful to Daddy.

Hanky appears to be a poster boy of why parents should practice birth control.

I like the article I read yesterday that said the new manager won't be held to the same standard that Torre was since he won't be "given the '96 Yankees". Wasn't Torre told to "win or else" with the same team? Someone should tell Hank Steinbrenner to shut his mouth. After all, what are his notable accomplishments? He was given the Yankees - what a great testament to the perils of nepotism.

I agree. I think Hank, the Steinbrenners and the rest of the Yankee organization need to shut their mouths and move on. They should realize their the villain in this story while Torre's being hailed as the hero. They should cut their losses, focus on hiring a new manager and keeping guys such as A-Rod, Jorge and Mo and what they can do to win it all in 2008!