This was written by my wife about the worst day of my life. We got married Sunday, this happened on our honeymoon.

On October 23, 2007 at 7:40 am I woke up feeling a little uncomfortable. Only a few minutes later I felt a pop and a gush of fluid. My water had broken, but how I am only 19weeks and 2 days. I paged my doctor and got up to get ready to go the ER, only when I stood there was blood. I was horrified, I started bawling just knowing that this was it this is what I had dreaded since the day I found out I was pregnant. Casey rushed me to the ER, they then sent me up to Labor and Delivery. My doctor came in and she did an ultrasound to see if I had in fact broken my waters, which I knew I did call it mother instinct. She confirmed that there was no amniotic fluid left. She then checked me and I was 3 cm dilated and she could feel the head, there was no stopping it. She told me it was too early to safe the baby, we did not know if it was a boy or a girl. At 9:30 or so she inserted a pill to make me dilate and contract. At 10:30 I had my first contraction, this was it our baby was coming. They got worse with each one, eventually one on top of another. At 11:45 the nurse checked me and I was 5cm and she gave me some pain medication because there was never a break in between contractions. The doctor came back around 12:15 or so and checked me I was 6cm and the baby had moved and was now feet first. She had me push a few times and then let me rest for a little bit at 12:30 I started pushing and at 12:45 Gabriel Lynn was born. Earlier they had said I may need surgery if the placenta did not delivery but I delivered the placenta and did not need surgery. He was absolutely beautiful. He is our angel. He was 9.5 oz and 9 inches long. He had the most beautiful perfect hands and feet God could have created. He looked like his daddy in so many ways. He had his daddy’s ears, mouth and chin. He had his mommy’s nose. My mother and Casey’s mother were present for the delivery. After he was born my father, my grandparents and stepfather came. We called a chaplain to come and baptize him. Everyone got to hold him. They each took turns saying something special to him. We told how much we loved him and that God needed him in heaven to be an angel. Gabriel stayed with us until about 7 that night, we had the minister come in a pray with us before we handed him over. Our first son will never leave our hearts, he will never be forgotten and he will always be loved

There will be a private memorial service and burial. Please pray for our family Casey and I are just drained and distraught. We don’t know why this happened and even though we can’t see it now one day we may.

Long as I remember The rain been coming down.
Clouds of Mystery pouring Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, Trying to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.