(First Viewing)

A bumbling justice-of-the-peace performs several illegal marriages. Thirty months later, he discovers his mistake and five couples must deal with the news that they're not married. Included: Ramona and Steve, who loathe each other but married to get a lucrative radio contract; the winner of the Mrs. Mississippi pageant; a couple who barely speak, while the husband dreams of former flames; an oil tycoon and a gold-digger after his wealth; and soldier Willie Fisher, about to ship out to the Korean War leaving his gorgeous spouse pregnant.

An interesting story, especially for 1952. It really makes one wonder, what they would do if they were ever granted a get out of marriage free card? This film exemplified most of those options. I watched this primarily for Marilyn Monroe but she was hardly in it. Still an enjoyable film. However, one trend I noticed was the husband in each couple was the person to read the letter stating their marriage was invalid. I sometimes like to watch these older movies to see just how much the world has changed and how roles of males and females have likewise changed.