Originally Posted By: Double-J

I have really no conscious memory of anyone else as the Yankee manager besides Joe Torre.

Really? That makes me feel old. You may not fully be able to appreciate what an anchor Torre has been for a volatile organization. Back in the 80s Billy Martin got his ass kicked in the clubhouse by Ed Whitson, and it was just another one of Billy's brawls. I think that said, Torre's greatest contribution was maintaining and sustaing a sense of professionalism and pride to a team that played hard every game.

While I felt Torre should have not been subjected to such persistent doubt within the organization, I will admit that he was very well compensated, yes overcompensated. I think he was a very good fit for the Yankees, who made the playoffs for the first time in 14 years a year before he arrived. But I don't think that he would be as successful with a young team as some other managers may be.

I agree with you, DJ, Torre's departure should have no bearing on the decisions of free agents Posada, Rivera and Pettite, who has an option, I believe. Sure, they may lament Torre's leaving, but that is part of the business of the game. If there are other reasons for them wanting to leave, that's fine too.

This afternoon, ESPN is apparently running a special two hour tribute to Torre, which probably embarrasses him. I think this is a little much. He's not dead, and he's going to manage someplace else again, maybe even in 2008. However, ESPN will capitalize on the attention this story is getting. It will all die as soon as NY names Don Mattingly manager.

Last edited by klydon1; 10/19/07 11:23 AM.