Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Joe Torre brought an air of calm and class that will be missing from the team from now on.

DC, now I can definitely see Posada going over to the Mets next year!

The Steinbrenners showed themselves to be disrespectful, piggy little ingrates!

Christ, I'll never understand it. Yes, Torre is a Hall of Fame manager. Yes, he is now pseudo-fired...gee, I wish I had the chance to turn down a $5 million dollar 1-year deal with the Yankees...he'd be the highest paid manager in the game, by a considerable sum.

If Posada wants to go, he can take his whiffle bat with him and head right over to Queens. Same with Mariano Rivera.

Both of those guys have been made quite wealthy with their contracts with the Yankees, and to act like they've been "disrespected" is complete hogwash.

Keep posting Torre's (fabulous) record, but it doesn't change the fact that this team was DOA at the start of the season, and without A-Rod, would have been in the basement. For the third straight year in a row, our team has been embarrassed in the playoffs. An air of calm and class? This team needed a friggin' torch under their asses this postseason, not sleepy Joe and his Bigelow green tea©.

We all applaud Cashman and the youth movement on the field. I say we do the same when it comes to the bench.

Give my regards to Joe (Girardi).