(Second Viewing)

The story follows a man with a murderous alter ego. Moore will play a tough detective whose devotion to her craft catches the attention and respect of the serial killer she is hunting, which leads to a symbiotic relationship.

This has got to be one of the two greatest roles I've ever seen Kevin Costner play (the other would be his portrayal of Jim Garrison in JFK). He worked so well with William Hurt in this film. They were both so sadistically humerous at times and the next moment, a stone cold killer. I don't think I ever saw him get angry in this movie. He was always claim, and even if he didn't have control of a situation, he accepted it and moved on. I really admired his performance and to an extent, his character in this film. Demi Moore was passable as a detective, however I was very happy to see Dane Cook (whom I have enjoyed since his WAITING days and even before), expand his range as a serious actor. Some here probably don't give a sh*t but at least the man is trying to not fall into the same pithole Adam Sandler and his career have gone. Finally, young Danielle Panabaker was very enjoyable as Costner's daughter, getting more grown-ups roles away from the YOURS, MINE AND OURS and SKY HIGHS of her career.

It didn't make a lot of noise at the boxoffice but rent this when it comes out on Tuesday. It is WELL worth it and is probably in my Top 5 for 2007 so far. A great original story with a great cast of characters!