(First Viewing)

In an ancient time, predating the pyramids, the evil king Memnon is using the psychic powers of his sorceress Cassandra to fortell his great victories. In a last ditch effort to stop Memnon from taking over the world, the leaders of the remaining free tribes hire the assassin Mathayus to kill the sorceress. But Mathayus ends up getting much more than he bargained for. Now with the help of the trickster Arpid, tribal leader Balthazar and an unexpected ally, it's up to Mathayus to fufill his destiny and become the great Scorpion King.

The Rock really did a good job carrying a film, not a bad debut. He seemed to have more of that charisma he had as a wrestler and he's a believeable action star. However, I felt this movie didn't really expand too much on his "Scorpion King" persona from THE MUMMY RETURNS. This was more a story about Mathayus than him as the Scorpion King. Also, I kept looking for it all movie and I was very disappointed that I didn't get to see one Rock Bottom. Finally, I didn't think Michael Clarke Duncan looked right wielding a sword. His arms are too big and he's better for fistfights, not using weapons.