GF 1: The scene where Michael tells them, he'll kill them both. Everybody's acting in this scene is just great:
- Tom explaining in rhythmical gestures to Sonny about McCluskey ("Even the old man's political protection would run for cover")
- Sonny's ups ("The Turk shows one hair of his ass...") and downs ("Alright, the we'll wait.")
- Clemenza's chuckling
- Tessio's heartful laughing
- Sonny kissing Michael violently (he doesn't seem to care about the broken jaw)
- Michael's monologue (you can see him suffering from his aching jaw).

GF2: Young Vito watching through the window of his quarantine cell.

It's interesting that for GF3 the only acting scenes mentioned here are the final scream and Michael's confession. The helicopter scene and Zasa's killing have a good speed but you can't really say that they show any kind of brilliant acting.) I guess, GF3 just lacks strong scenes which include suspense, superior acting and drama. If any, I like the scene at Don Tomassino's coffin.