Report: Boss says Torre's job on line

NEW YORK -- Joe Torre's Yankees must advance to the American League Championship Series for the longtime manager to keep his job, George Steinbrenner said on Saturday.

Speaking in a telephone interview with The Record of Hackensack, N.J., which published his remarks on Sunday, Steinbrenner said that Torre's 12-year run at the helm is at stake as the Yankees face an 0-2 deficit to the Indians in the American League Division Series.

"His job is on the line," Steinbrenner told the newspaper. "I think we're paying him a lot of money. He's the highest-paid manager in baseball, so I don't think we'd take him back if we don't win this series."

Torre, who has managed the Yankees since 1996, is baseball's highest-paid manager, earning $7 million this year. He is not under contract for the 2008 season, making him the most notable potential free agent in a Yankees group that includes Jorge Posada, Mariano Rivera and perhaps Alex Rodriguez.

Steinbrenner told The Record that Torre has "been good for us over the years," as the Yankees have made the playoffs in each of Torre's 12 seasons. But they are facing first-round elimination for the third consecutive season on Sunday.

New York is pinning its Game 3 hopes on 45-year-old Roger Clemens, pitching opposite Cleveland's Jake Westbrook as the Indians try for the series sweep at Yankee Stadium.

"We certainly need to find out what we're made of," Torre said earlier on Saturday. "We certainly can't take time to feel sorry for ourselves. We've worked too hard to get here and to be one of the select teams in the postseason. We have to make the most of it."

The 77-year-old Steinbrenner, who has reserved his words in recent years, instead opting to release most of his commentary through public relations man Howard Rubenstein, agreed with Torre's assessment.

"I think that's a good statement," he said. "They'd better show what they're made of."

In a wide-ranging interview with The Record, Steinbrenner had choice words for umpire Bruce Froemming, the crew chief who opted to continue play in Friday's Game 2 despite swarms of small winged bugs, called midges, that unnerved rookie closer Joba Chamberlain in the eighth inning as Cleveland tied the game, which eventually ended in 11 innings with the Indians winning, 2-1.

"He won't umpire our games anymore," Steinbrenner said of Froemming, who is retiring after this season.

Steinbrenner also acknowledged Alex Rodriguez's future, as the probable American League MVP remains hitless in this ALDS and in his last 19 postseason at-bats.

"I think we'll re-sign him," Steinbrenner said of A-Rod. "I think he's going to have a good run the rest of the [postseason]. I think he realizes New York is the place to be, the place to play. A lot of this [postseason] is laying on his shoulders, you know, but I think he's up to it."

Steinbrenner told the newspaper that he maintains full control over the Yankees, despite published reports of his failing health.

"I'm doing all right," Steinbrenner said. "I'm fine."

Source: Yankees