(Nth Viewing)

Two fugitive brothers at gunpoint get an ex-minister and his two children to take them accross the border into Mexico. They drive to a Mexican biker bar to rendevous with other crooks. While at the bar, a few unusual things happen.

Another great script turned in by the one and only Quentin Tarantino. I liked how Cheech Marin played three different roles. I also applaud Quentin and Robert Rodriguez for somehow getting Hollywood hearthrob George Clooney on board with this role. I think this is probably the first and only time I've seen him play a bad guy and he did a wonderful job with it. He should look into doing that more. I also wish Quentin would act more as I've enjoyed his work in this, FOUR ROOMS and PULP FICTION. However large or small his part I think the man can act and would love to see more of it.