(First Viewing)

Like a contagious virus, pretty and athletic girls in their teens start dissappearing around the globe one after another. The mastermind behind these abductions is Madame M (Almen Wong), who plans to train these girls into professional killers. After several years of gruesome training, only Charlene (Maggie Q), Katt (Anya) and Jill (Jewel Lee) survive and become the world's most sought after professional killers. On a recent mission to assassinate someone in Hong Kong, however CIA agent Jack (Daniel Wu), who vows to help her reclaim her past by eliminating Madame M.

Maggie Q has some moves to her. The reason I'm surprised is because I've only seen her in MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III, LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD and DRAGON HEAT, none of which really let her show of her kung fu skills. However, the film ended rather abruptly (no credits or anything). It is also reminded me of 2002's SO CLOSE with Shu Qi.