Amazing the way this has all played out. I'm still waiting for my Padres to clinch the Wild Card spot in the NL, but the American League race has been fun to watch nonetheless. While the Yankees had a great comeback after the All-Star break, you got to hand it to Boston for not squandering the lead (especially when compared to the collapse of the Mets). I believe the Sox had the 2nd best record after the break, but I could be wrong.

Since the Indians are playing the Yankees in Cleveland for Game 1, I think it would be great if they wear the throwback uniforms and had Charlie Sheen (aka. Rick Vaughn from Major League) throw out the first pitch. It's the exact same matchup, and Sheen is on a hit TV series right now. Just a thought. As far as the actual series, it all depends on who's hotter at the moment. A new season starts next week.

Sal: "Tom, can you get me off the hook? For old times' sake?"