Originally Posted By: Ice
First time the Zapruder film was shown to the public.

Robert Groden appeared on "Good Night America" hosted by Geraldo Rivera in 1975. This was the very first time the film that contained the murder of President Kennedy, was shown to the public.

While watching, Geraldo and company commented SEVERAL times that the fatal head shot - as well as the throat shot - OBVIOUSLY came from the front! (Of course, they were wrong. Right? ;\) )

BTW-In addition to the Zapruder film, we also see footage that was filmed across the street, i.e to Kennedy's left! I had no idea such a tape existed. \:o After seeing this angle I'm completely convinced that the fatal head shot came from the front. With this angle we truly get to see Kennedy's head move "back and to the left."
Can anyone tell me why we've been watching the "Zapruder film" all these years and not the "guy on the other side of the street film?"

You're talking about the Nix film. Look, I've seen umpteen people shot and they fall in all kinds of directions. However, I've never seen an entrance wound that results in an explosion of a a person's flesh unless it's the result of a shotgun blast and from up close. It is rather amatuerish to describe the effect (back and to the left) as the result of the cause (shot from the front). There are any number of physiological reactions to bullet inuries. It would be advisable for those who persist with this cause and effect relationship tale to read a book on human physiology.

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