(Second Viewing)

Laurie Strode is now the head mistress at a prestigious private school, which is attended by her 17 year-old son. On the 20th anniversary of the events that occurred in Halloween I, Laurie begins having nightmares, flashbacks, and visions of her evil brother, Michael Myers, coming to kill her. Myers shows up at the school on Halloween night, setting the stage for a "final" battle between Myers and Strode.

Finally a horror film worthy enough to carry the title of HALLOWEEN in it. The best sequel thus far (still have HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION to watch) and it reminded me a lot of my favorite horror movie of all-time, SCREAM. That's not too surprising since SCREAM writer Kevin Williamson was a co-executive producer on this project. A solid cast, great soundtrack, totally serious (no cheesy or tongue-in-cheek moments) with a blend of scare tactics and brutality. It's also not too surprising I enjoyed this because director Steve Miner also directed one of my favorite horror movies of all-time, FRIDAY THE 13TH PART III. Like HALLOWEEN 6: THE CURSE OF MICHAEL MYERS introducing us all to Paul Rudd, this film introduced Josh Hartnett to the world.