Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
 Originally Posted By: DonVitoCorleone
I really hate how people force conversation on each other; they talk for the sake of talking. It's painful to listen to. I wish more people were able to simply enjoy silence with one another. You don't always need to be saying something.

This is a thought, among many, I had the other night. We speak because we're socially conditioned to need to speak. What makes a silence awkward? It doesn't have to be awkward, but people insist that if two people are sitting in complete silence, it must be awkward. It's only as awkward as the individuals make it. If there is some sort of unresolved matter between two people, and the silence is being forced by one or both people, then OK, fine. Awkward. Sure. But just because their is nothing else to talk about? Blah.

In the same string of consciousness, individualism does not exist; not in this society at least. There is just eccentricity.

I agree completely. I've been accused of being stuck up because I don't talk much. I actually prefer listening rather than talking, and when there isn't any conversation I enjoy the silence. It drives me crazy when people think there is something wrong with me, or they think I'm sneaky or whatever because I'm quiet.

Like LLC said we are socially conditioned to speak. I completely understand people who want to be talking all the time, but people very rarely understand my desire to listen. Don't these people who talk need someone to listen to them?

It's amazing how quick I can learn what type of person someone is by not talking a lot when I meet them. They are either very patient and want to get to know me (which is rare) or they snub me thinking I'm stuck up.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes