THE KING OF KINGS (1927) 1/2
(First Viewing)

Mary Magdalene becomes angry when Judas, now a follower of Jesus, won't come to her feast. She goes to see Jesus and becomes repentant. From there the Bible story unfolds through the Crucifixion and Resurrection.

I'll save you the trouble and say it for you, I'm spoiled. I never really have and probably never will enjoy silent films. I gave this a shot to see if my feelings would change any and while they've loosened up a bit, they're still there. Although, I will give DeMille props for making this picture as impressive as it was, especially for 1927. The sets were pretty impressive too and it definitely had that big budget Hollywood nostaligia feeling to it. I think the 1931 version is the same film, just about 40+ minutes shorter.