Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
It really is spectacular; I think everyone here should just cut television and radio out of their life for just a week and see how they like it. I haven't listened to the radio in about a year, and for the past two years, catch maybe 6 hours of TV a week. It makes me feel great.

This is so true LLC, years back when I moved out of my parents home into my first apartment with two roomates we couldn't afford television and none of us had a radio other than our little alarm clock radios which were never turned on to music.

That went on for almost a year, and that was possibly the best time of my life. I've never been so creative than I was during that time. The three of us actually sat around playing guitar, reading the newspaper, having deep discussions about important things.... It really was amazing.

Then one day we could afford cable and got an old T.V. for free. We became idiots watching sitcoms all the time. You know what I despised the most when we got television again? The ads. I had forgotten what it was like to be bombarded with advertisements all day long on television and radio. Ever since I have hated commercials with a passion. Even the funny ones.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes