Originally Posted By: Turnbull
 Originally Posted By: olivant
There are any number of conflicts within the criminal underworld. If they were all resolved by violence, there would not be any criminal underworld. Most are resolved through negotiation. Tom was made for negotiation. However, his murder credentials are quite in evidence. He was in on everything that Vito that resulted in harm to people and Vito harmed alot of people.

Most of the wars we read about in real life are within families, over leadership and territories.


Most mob hits are over petty, inter-family bullshit. In the history of the American Mafia, there have only been a handful of "family vs. family" wars. But we are suckers for the written word, and love to but into it all.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.