(First Viewing)

Major Deakins is a tough U.S. Air Force pilot who is assigned to a flight mission with 'nice-guy' Captain Hale. They are to fly the B3 Stealth Bomber on wargame maneuvers over Utah loaded with two live nuclear weapons. Deakins, having been continually passed over for promotion, sells out his country and arranges to use the thermonuclear warheads under his command to blackmail the U.S. government. The only thing standing in his way is his old buddy, Captain Hale.

Oh the days when it was actually cool and entertaining to see a John Travolta movie. Unfortunately for him, his following three films after this were crap until he again hooked up with director John Woo in 1997 for, the at times, underrated FACE/OFF. Slater turned in a decent performance as well but for some reason, I just had a hard time believing him as a "goody two-shoes" character. I also think this is one of the only John Woo films that didn't have doves in it. I was looking for them the entire film.