I just got back from spending 3 hours with my friend's cats, who are having seizures.

She used Sergeant's Silver flea something or other on her cats, went out, and came home to them having convulsions. Had no idea that Sergeants has a bad history with that sort of thing.

I talked to the night manager at Walmart, 4 different representatives at their supposed "emergency line" (which, by the way, is a load of shit), talked to some lady at the Sergeant's customer service line (who tried to tell me that its against the law to curse on the phone. I work at a call center, lady. I get cursed at every damn day.), and a vet. And then I finally talked to a nice lady with Sergeants Medical line who filed a claim and marked it for high priority. I made a lot of enemies tonight.

Seeing those cats like that was probably the saddest thing I've ever had to witness in my life. They were so helpless, and you couldn't really hold them or anything to comfort them, because the only convulsed more. It was terrible.

Sergeants said they can file a claim to reimburse us for any Vet fees, but that could take 4-6 weeks. I told them that I assure them if these cats die, a law suit will be filed much quicker than that.

I'm ridiculously pissed off right now. Moral of the story? Don't use any of that Sergeants/Hartz bullshit on your animals.

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club