Drunken Fifer locked up for punching Sir Alex
A DRUNKEN Scots football fan was behind bars today after he admitted punching Sir Alex Ferguson in the groin near a London train station.

Kevin Reynolds, 43, who had downed half a bottle of vodka and several cans of strong lager, launched the unprovoked attack on the Manchester United boss as he waited for his driver outside Euston Station.

Sir Alex, 65, was left winded and crouching in agony as his Fife-born attacker yelled the football chant: "Fergie, Fergie shut your mouth."

Reynolds tried to run from the scene and headbutted a police community support officer who came to Sir Alex's aid. He then shouted before letting out a torrent of racist abuse at him and other officers.

Clean-shaven Reynolds, who was wearing a navy open neck t-shirt with the L’Oreal logo, admitted four charges relating to the violent outburst.

The homeless alcoholic has a shocking 105 previous convictions including several assaults and had only been released from prison five days' earlier.

Carol Tod, prosecuting, told City of Westminster Magistrates' Court: "On Monday September 10 this year at ten past four in the afternoon Sir Alex Ferguson was waiting for his driver outside Euston Railway Station. He noticed the defendant staggering towards him and thought he was going to ask him for money.

"The defendant suddenly struck out at Mr Ferguson with his right fist, which caught him in the groin area."

Doubled up in pain the football boss asked Reynolds: "What the hell are you doing."

The thug replied: "I'm sorry Fergie, I didn't know it was you."

He swung his arms out to shout: "Fergie, Fergie, shut your mouth," which was said in court to be a well-known chant among Scottish football fans.

Ms Tod continued: "He then walked off saying nothing further. Sir Alex stood in pain and amazement and couldn't believe what had happened."

Friends travelling with him immediately called for help and police arrested Reynolds nearby. Sir Alex suffered "soreness and tenderness" but did not need hospital treatment.

After drinking a cup of tea he continued on his way to represent the Society for Multiple Sclerosis at a charity event organised by City traders to commemorate the 9/11 terror attacks.

Reynolds denied the assault in interview claiming he was "playing around" with Sir Alex, who was born in Glasgow.

District Judge Daphne Wickham said she did not have the power to jail him for long enough and committed him for sentence at Southwark Crown Court on a date to be set.

She said: "I don't think the first victim, Sir Alex Ferguson, regarded this as a joke. He was at first sympathetic to him – he seemed very surprised when he was struck by him."

Reynolds, of no fixed address, admitted one count of common assault on Sir Alex, one charge of causing actual bodily harm to PCSO Peace Towula, and two counts of racially aggravated harassment.

This article: http://news.scotsman.com/uk.cfm?id=1460332007

If i come across the table and take your f*****g eyes out ,will you remember

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