Originally Posted By: Don Sicilia
I haven't played this game since the first year we played it on here. \:p ;\)

Whatsa matter there Married Boy .... your wife doesn't let you play ? That's right I'm calling you out - Cowboy up there DoucheBag and get in the league - or are you just afraid to play in any league I'm in for fear of the competition .... \:p

Seriously you can join - you pick up only 7 points above everyone each week for the next 16 weeks you are in first - only 7 points a week - C'mon you can do it. Don't be a Wuss, if you don't join I'll be forced to make public all your PMs where you talk about everyone ... Besides Pork is in it, it will be like old times with Pork looking just to stay close to both of us.

And that's right Pork - I'm calling you out also. You Paper-Champion, yeah you heard me - Paper Champion. I beat you last time by a few, this year I'll put a whooping on you so bad, your family won't recognize you. Taking my title away - Fool, get ready for a long season, it's gonna be filled with PAIN! You are in your nice comfy home of third place - your happy place - DB gets in the league you can be kissing that one goodbye - he told me that in a PM, you know I would never say anything like that.