Originally Posted By: Turnbull

If Cicci had implicated Tom, Michael would have gotten a certified pass: Tom was the bad guy, not him.

Quite possible Turnbull.

However, if that be the case, than WHY would the committee put Hagen's picture up on the "family" tree board and list him as a consigliere? Was it done to try and tarnish Michael's character that much more? Make it appear that Michael Corleone's lawyer was not one to be believed or trusted because he was really nothing more than a common mafia hood himself?

My point is if they were willing to put a picture of Michael's lawyer up on the mafia family tree board, than why not go the extra mile and try to destroy both Michael and Hagen's credibility at the same time by having Cicci give testimony about Hagen?

They could have destroy Michael's chances of having Hagen represent him just in case the hearing produced enough evidence to go to trial. Sort of in the same manner as the government did with Gotti and Cutler.

These NON actions by the committee towards Hagen with nothing being said by Cicci about Hagen, plus Cicci's testimony in general (which really helped Michael), and the fact that Michael did NOT seek revenge on Cicci is what now makes me believe that Cicci really did not turn rat and make a deal with the government.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.