Originally Posted By: Don Rico
Yeah Double J... That would also be great if you got your information from at least ONE, perhaps more truthful and credible, source besides FOX "News"...

A stark indictment from someone who considers "Loose Change" to be an authority on building engineering.

Who am I to complain?

 Originally Posted By: Don Rico

He did not call for more attacks on innocent Americans, or try to stir up more war and bloodshed...

And of course he called out the wicked Cheney-Bush regime for the evil war-mongering liars and mass-murderers that they truly are...

But he did NOT say ANYTHING about "kill all Americans!" or any nonsense like that...

It ALMOST gives one hope that maybe, just MAYBE, we are NOT actually headed for a total ARMAGEDDON WW-III-style holocaust conflagration of the entire planet...

Who knows what will happen...

Maybe we should give him a spot on Sesame Street. The way you've described him, Osama sounds like he's gone from being a real curmudgeon to a kindly old beard.

Heck, he could replace Oscar the Grouch, and come out of a cave instead of a garbage can!

Remember kids, Osama doesn't want to kill you! Bush does! \:\) \:\) \:\)