Wow we are really showing our age with Julia Child, Graham Kerr (Galloping Gourmet), etc... I am afraid I am with you here though... interesting thing, the galloping gourmet admitted to alcoholism and now will not even deglaze with wine (even though most of it burns out in cooking, the flavor is there and it makes you crave for a glass of wine.

I haven't seen Esposito since the 90s, but she is good, Sicilian, so what can be bad, PBS was basically FoodTV before the actual FoodTV took off on cable. Nick Stellino, Lidia Bastianich, Yan Can Cook, and that other bald guy that got nailed for inappropriate sexual conduct (Master Chef?), in any case...

Giada is a sweetheart and her cooking is authentic... Emeril is good for entertainment, not the best cook but he knows something about it, but he is good clean fun... Mario Batali... well, as far as I am concerned, I am disturbed about them eliminating his role... he used to be on every day at noon, and then his other show at 11pm, then they put him on at 10am and eliminated his other shows and/or put them on at 4am -- now i can only catch his show at 10am on a monday, then i won't see it for another week. Mario is my hero, he tells it like it really is, cooks it like it really should and has more knowledge than all the other chefs on Food TV combine, even more so than Alton Brown, another fave... Mario Batali is one of the most successful restrauranteuers of all time... if they pass him by for any reason, its their loss, but they have done that with emeril too... they want pretty faces and "reality chef" competitions... but we know the real deal...

PS - yes, i watch the FoodTV network lol, i have for the last 15+ years, can you tell??

"There are 2 types of people in the world, Italian, and those who wish they were Italian."

# # # JRCX