Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Watching the Saga over this weekend, I finally saw the back story of why Frankie was drinking water from a hose. When a waiter approached him with a "champagne cocktail," Frankie asked if there was any red wine or beer because his throat was "parched." Thats when Cicci got the hose.

Another great Frankie scene is when he comes home and gets the news that Michael has been waiting there for a half an hour. Quickly he takes off his overcoat and just before he goes into see Michael he slicks his hair back with his hands....great gesture.

Yeah, I love that one too!...Slicks his hair back with his hands! What a excellent character he portrayed in the film.
It is a shame there was not more of Frankie in the film, more of a story of how he entered the family!
I just love Frankie Five Angels

Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash Fan!