[quote=J Geoff"

"TIS, that's the only thing pretty much (well, besides family and Manhattan being here ;\) ) preventing me from moving out there, cuz otherwise it sounds PERFECT! Hurricanes in the South East, Tornadoes in the Mid-West, Earthquakes on the Left Coast... It seems all the North East has to worry about are blizzards now and then, and that's not so bad... despite the fact I hate the cold any more... ;)"


I remember, before I moved here, that issue bothered me too. I wanted a fair and honest answer, so, I asked my sister and a good friend of mine (at separate times) to put themselves in my shoes and leave the fact that neither wanted me to move out of the equation, and asked would they let the issue of earthquakes stop them from moving to CA. Both said "no", that if they really wanted to move they'd do it.

Now, after living here for 27 years, I can honestly say, that there has never been a fatal or damaging earthquake (thank God). Lots of tremors/shakers and some scares. There have been more destructive hurricanes and tornadoes in the 27 years in other areas. Can a horrible earthquake happen? Of course it can. It is a gamble of sorts I'm sure. \:\/

As far as I'm concerned, not having my family by me is one of main drawbacks to living here. \:\) Of course, along with the cost of living. Once when/if I ever moved back, I'm sure I probably would never be able to afford to move back to CA again. Unless, of course I moved from CA to Manhatten (which would be totally cool) in which case I think the cost of living would be a little more even to CA.

Bottom line Geoff, there are pros/cons. I too absolutely hate the winter and that WAS a main motivation. To this day, I have never ever once wished for a white Christmas. I'm perfectly happy with the sun shining and 70/80 degrees. Doesn't spoil my Christmas one bit. \:\) A matter of opinion/taste I guess.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon