Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

DJ, I read your earlier post. Why would they not at least use Mussina in the bullpen?? I wonder if the injury rumors are true.

To be honest, it may be an injury, or it may be the fact that Joe doesn't want to risk adjusting Mussina to the bullpen at this point if they need him to start somewhere down the line here in this last month of the regular season.

Personally, I think he's shot altogether, and should never pitch in the AL again (unless of course Boston signs him \:p ). He has lost the mental edge, gets frustrated when he doesn't get calls his way, and lacks the consistent control to get those pitches where they need to be. Plus, his velocity is about that of a 15-year-old.

Even if they did bring him out of the bullpen, I don't think they'd want to risk using him except in blowout situations (which the Yankees can't afford anyways).

Then again...they did pitch Crazy Kyle last night, and again, he nearly blew the game. So I'm not sure how worried Joe actually is about putting bad pitchers in clutch situations...

I think this settles the fact that it is all mental for Farnsworth - he can mow them down no-problem when the team is getting either a.) blown out or b.) blowing out the other team, but he is abhorrent in any situation where he is required to keep the game close. \:\/