Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I loved when Bourne broke into the office of the CIA director that was after him and was on the phone with him. The CIA director says to Bourne that he is in his office. Bourne says, "that's not likely". When the CIA Dir. says "why", Jason says, because if you were in your office we'd be talking face to face." I don't know, I just loved the whole thing. Oh, and I agree with the NYC ending is perfect. Any movie filmed in NYC is a plus IMHO. I'm all ready for a 4th installment. \:p


On THE DAILY SHOW, Damon said that if a 4th BOURNE movie happens, it'll be called THE BOURNE REDUNDANCY.

I guess you could work something out, but its not essential. Its pretty obvious, without being pretty obvious, that the couple get back together and disapear.....Landy gets promoted probably(Director perhaps?) after helping to cause that whole cabal collapse with consequences all the way up to the White House*, and that CIA finally learns the lesson to just....try...to...fuck...with....Jason....Bourne.

*=One can only wish.