1 game out of the Wild Card, which is most important at this point. The Yankees looked sharp, and having a solid, reliable starter (Pettitte) on the mound made a huge difference in the morale of this team.

It looks like Ian Kennedy is going to get his shot at the rotation beginning Saturday, taking Moose's spot against the D-Rays. Good news is that it is the D-Rays, and Kennedy has been lighting up the minor leagues ala Joba. So hopefully we have yet another solid addition to the rotation.

Also, Torre added last night that Moose will not work out of the bullpen, making him utterly useless, dead weight. Whose idea was that one?

Really though, keep your fingers crossed. I know the Yankees are going into territory where angels fear to tread, and only the Cubs do (ala Mark Prior and Kerry Wood), and we know how that can turn out...