Situation: A business associate does someone a small favor. She appreciates the favor, but did not know about the favor or approve of the favor ahead of time. She was present at the time the favor was given, and again it was appreciated.

A couple days later, she runs into the business associate at a social function. He asks if she heard about the favor, and she says yes, and thank you. He then tells her that she can repay somehow later. Hesitating, she says cooly that would alright and fair (reasonable).

Some time later, as she is going through her bills, one of them is a request for $XXX amount in return for this favor that she did not know about, approve, or agree to (although it was appreciated). Cooly, she puts the letter back in the envelope, where it is still sitting on her desk.

Ordinarily, one would simply not pay. She is not legally bound. However, it might be in her best interest to pay, as she would like to keep her business relationship with this person on the up and up. They will be working on a large project together in the upcoming months. His help would be extremely beneficial, although no necessary.

My question is this: How would Papa (Vito Corleone) handle this situation? We know Michael would just do away with him! That is not possible here. She is not the head of any "family." There are no "buttons." And there are no horses to hurt. This may be small potatoes, but they are HER potatoes. There must be a cool way to handle this situation - on her own - without making her feel manipulated into paying, yet keeping a good relationship with this person so that he will help her in the upcoming project. How should she play this one out?