Killer Clowns from Outer Space is near the top of my Blockbuster Online list. I've never seen it. My family of course looks at the list and keeps asking me why it's so high on the list, but as soon as I say "It's one of the stupid movies I like... " they roll their eyes and say "oh one of those movies".

But yes Irish, the Grindhouse movies are basically along the same line as the B-Movie Horror flicks like the multitude of SciFi channel crap. It's fun because it's so bad.

Those who get it, get it. The rest seem to be close-minded, condescending, Oscar-loving "geeks".... or, they are people who just don't have time because life keeps them from watching crap. The latter makes more sense to me because they have families to take care of, and bills to pay.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes