See! SB and TIS have nailed it. That's exactly what I was trying to say. Snakes on a Plane IS horrible. There's no deeper meaning to the movie. But it is still really fun in a stupid way. It is absolutely mindless which is a nice change of pace every once in a while.

For those of you who didn't like the movie, or won't watch it, I completely understand. I'm a rarity. I actually like those crappy SciFi channel monster movies. I love to laugh at how horrible the acting is, and how fake the monsters look, etc... So I enjoy the poor film making because it makes me laugh. But there's a reason those movies aren't popular, it's because they are indeed bad. And Snakes on a Plane happens to be one of the best of the bad movies.

Seriously I'm happy I'm not the only one though because I might feel the need for therapy or something.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes