Originally Posted By: svsg
Hasn't Vietnam cow (like WW-2 cow) been milked totally dry by Hollywood? It would be interesting to see if any new theme is explored in this one...

i agree hollywood is kinda of beating a dead horse with the vietnam pictures. but the point of film espcially war film and movies like scarface is to get the real point of the movie, which is that war and violence are horrible and unnessary, not that we need to keep having wars.

the idea for the movie sounds great but innocent people are being murdered, raped, and having their home ravaged in Iraq everyday and the same im sure is true of vietnam. so what are these movies really accomplishing besides keeping the memory of vietnam war and its victims alive, when the powers that be continue to ignore the carnage of war.

Time You Enjoy Wasting, was not wasted - John Lennon

A man who nevers spends time with his family can never be a real man - Don Vito Corleone