Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
 Originally Posted By: Partagas
 Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
 Originally Posted By: Partagas
 Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
I'm not an animal lover.

So what are your definitions of "animal" and "lover" \:\)

Here you go: \:p

Animal: n. beast; living organism which is neither plant nor human.

Lover: n. one who loves; one who is loved; one who is involved in a sexual or romantic relationship with another; fan, devotee, one who is enthusiastic about something.

So then....

.....We can conclude that you will not have sex with a beast (I'm heart broken!)

.....We cannot conclude from your statements above if you will have sex with a dead organism or some sort of plant

I used to have more faith in your judgment. The only thing that one can conclude from my previous post is that I'm not devoted to living organisms which are neither plant nor human. Therefore it won't be hypocritical if I eat them.

That being said, although that was not clear in that post, I'll not have sex with you, because of entirely different set of reasons.

Hey Hey Hey I am ecstatic that you ever had faith in my judgement \:\)

I was simply taking your statement and definitions to develop the conclusions