Originally Posted By: J Geoff

If you're a vegetarian yet have no problem breeding dogs specifically to "pull a Vick" or whatever, then how's that any better?

No it is no better. I am not a vegetarian today for moral reasons. I used to have some morals once upon a time ;\) As I told before, I am a vegetarian by habit and don't find meat tasty or necessary. I was just presenting an argument for the sake of logic. Humans have civilized very recently in the time scale of actual human evolution. They were hunter-gatherers first and began cultivating very recently. Some primate species including some human cultures are cannibalistic. So, I don't think vegetarianism is very natural for us. But we got over a lot of our animal instincts because of culture. No one accepts cannibalism today. Movies as recent as in 70s had real animal killings, but today you cannot make them. Maybe two hundred years later, the society will perceive meat eating as uncivilized. Who knows!