Originally Posted By: Signor Vitelli
Re: SC and It Came From Beneath the Sea - I've always felt that anything by Ray Harryhausen was worth watching. I have a copy of this somewhere, though it's been a few years since I've hauled it out. As I remember the backstory, this was the famous "quintopus" - only five tentacles because the producers could only afford $50,000 for Harryhausen's services. Supposedly, he charged $10,000 per tentacle for his special effects stop-motion wizardry. Of course, nowadays, you wouldn't have to call in the military - just Lidia Bastianich! Presto! Instant Seafood Salad for a large gathering on It Came From Lidia's Family Table!

Agreed (about Ray Harryhausen). That brings up another group of good movies - all his "Sinbad" flicks!!

FWIW - The octopus in "It Came From Beneath the Sea" actually had SIX tentacles.
