Congratulations TIS i am truly pleased for you i have smoked since i was 12 years old (i know very bad but i liked a girl that was older than me and she smoked so you can see where im going with this) and i am nearly 23 i have tried so many times to stop and it goes ok until i go to the pub and as soon as i have one pint then i automatically buy a pack of cigs and smoke to my hearts content i am just facing the fact now that i cant ever see myself stopping plus i do really enjoy smoking when i have a pint,anyway well done and keep up the good work! and yes i would like to know what system you use

If i come across the table and take your f*****g eyes out ,will you remember

Aniello Dellacroce
TFI 2nd Bday - Dj Topgroove + Mc Domer

TFI Lucky Star

Happy Hardcore DJ Hixxy