I know many have tried, some suceed and some don't.

Well, I took the plunge. It's only been two months but hopefully the worse is over. I haven't even told my kids and they haven't even noticed that mom hasn't stepped outside for a smoke, or so it seems. I have only mentioned it to my boss only after going to lunch with her when she assumed I'd be in the office after a quick smoke. Anyway, I am not saying anything because "if" I had a cigaret and mess up, I'd feel like an idiot. So I figure I'll be an idiot here on the BB should I go "off the wagon."

Why now? Two reasons really. I wasn't feeling very healthy. I didn't like not being able to catch my breath. But, the main reason for me was this. I have a cousin (the daughter of my great aunt who recently died from a fall)who was/is a very heavy smoker. Well, it started out a couple years ago where she had to be on oxygen for several hours a day; now it's 24/7 and she has been diagnosed with lung cancer and given a year to live. \:\(
What's worse, my sister tells me that many people have the attitude that she brought it on herself and imply that she deserves it. Granted, we take the risk, but man, to say someone deserves it is pretty low.

I have heard many stories like this. Why now, I don't know. This scared me into quitting and I do want to stay with it. This is the most serious attempt I've ever made to quit. I have I think an unusual system I used, which I'll go into later if anyone is interested. All I can say is it worked for me (hopefully)


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon