the 1980s, David Jeal brought terror to the terraces.
As a member of a notorious Bristol Rovers hooligan gang, he would pride himself on being at the front line of battles with rival thugs.
David Jeal: A reformed characterOn meeting him he may fit the physical stereotype of a hooligan - thick set, shaved head, football top, but his manner could not be further from it.

He is polite, humble and sincere - clearly a changed man.
"A typical Saturday would involve meeting the others for breakfast and then a few pints and then hunt down the opposing fans," he said.
"You name it - it was happening. There was gas and knives, bits of wood, anything that came to hand really.
"Anything that kicked off I would have been up for."
In 1996 things changed when David turned his back on violence and found God.
Once banned he is now being welcomed into the fold. As we enter the director's box it is nothing but handshakes and pats on the back.
As Chaplain it is David's job to offer spiritual advice and a sympathetic ear to players and staff.

So what prompted this dramatic turnaround?

"In 1992 I was in Stockholm and it all kicks off," he explains.
"We were having a row with the Swedish black army. This guy got beaten up and he went down - I gave him a kick and we ran off up the road.
Police dealing with hooligans"We looted a petrol station as we were coming back down the road the guy was still laid there and there were people still jumping up and down on him and he wasn't moving and I just thought - it's not about this."
Daid is also a Pastor at a young offender's institute.
Now that he is reformed, the club big wigs are happy to have him onside. So is David's other boss, the Bishop of Bath and Wells, Peter Price.
He said: "I think it's wonderful. Here's somebody who'll be a real example to blokes on the terraces who don't think they can change.
"He's got a tough job but he'll get a lot of respect."
Fresh into the job David now faces a future that could not be more removed from his past.
It is hoped that his influence will encourage other violent fans to see the light.

This lad has really gone full circle,,30100-1279902,00.html

If i come across the table and take your f*****g eyes out ,will you remember

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