C:\Documents and Settings\Sue\My Documents\My Pictures\Nick's pics\img034.jpg

Me and Mates having a few beers this was taken at Camp winaukee in New Hampshire were i worked for 3 months two summers ago what a crazy summer that was i think we all drank solid every night for six months

C:\Documents and Settings\Sue\My Documents\My Pictures\img035.jpg

and this is a good friend of mine stu whp lives in New orleans and i will be visiting him in Febuary \:\)

i hope this works i am useless with computers

If i come across the table and take your f*****g eyes out ,will you remember

Aniello Dellacroce
TFI 2nd Bday - Dj Topgroove + Mc Domer

TFI Lucky Star

Happy Hardcore DJ Hixxy