A-Rod receives key to New York City

NEW YORK (AP) -- New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez was presented on Thursday with a key to the city in honor of his 500th home run.

A-Rod, who just turned 32, hit the milestone homer against the Kansas City Royals on Aug. 4, becoming the 22nd and youngest player to reach the mark.

He received a key to the city from Mayor Michael Bloomberg at Yankee Stadium before a game against the Detroit Tigers while teammates and manager Joe Torre looked on.

"It will be something I hold dear to me for the rest of my life," Rodriguez said.

The Yankees paid tribute to A-Rod on Monday before their game against the Baltimore Orioles, presenting him with home plate, a silver tray with an inscription from team owner George Steinbrenner, two portraits and a sculpture.

Keys to the city are presented to distinguished people for outstanding civic contributions. Last week, the mayor presented a key to New York Mets pitcher Tom Glavine in honor of his 300th career win.

A-Rod and Glavine are in lofty company. Past recipients of keys include the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Pope John Paul II and Mother Theresa.

Source: SI