(First Viewing)

Recruited by a clandestine police organization, "K" must stop a plot by student radicals to create anarchy in Japan. Armed with a hi-tech steel yo-yo, and a new name (Asamiya Saki), she must infiltrate an elite high school to find the terrorists but finds an even more sinister plan is about to unfold.

With a title like this, how could I resist? Apparently this was Aya Matsuura's first starring film, whom is a pop singer in Japan. She did a nice job with the role, which is pretty valuable character over there apparently. However, Rika Ishikawa did a great job as the film's villain. It's surprising to see the making of special feature and see how sweet these girls are and then to see them in the film is a complete 180. If nothing else, this film is worth the final fight between the two characters.

(First Viewing)

Gene Watson (Johnny Depp) is an ordinary public accountant returning home from his ex-wife's funeral and is met by Mr Smith (Christopher Walken) and Ms. Jones (Roma Maffia) who kidnap his daughter (Courtney Chase) and give him a gun, six bullets, a name-tag that will give him access to anywhere in a specific hotel, and the itinerary of Governor Grant (Marsha Mason) and is informed that he must kill the Governor in 1 hour and 15 minutes or his daughter will die. The rest of the movie follows Mr. Watson as he desperately attempts to warn the Governor without the knowledge of the two and finds out that the conspiracy against her reaches all the way to those she trusts most.

I'd have to say either POINT OF NO RETURN or NICK OF TIME has to be director John Badham's best picture. I've always felt this was an overlooked movie. Depp and Walken worked beautifully together and it's a nice change to be able to see Walken play such a blood thirsty pr*ck. Total nonstop suspense that will keep you enthralled in the story for the full 90 minutes. Speaking of which, I really enjoyed how the movie played like HIGH NOON where the story seemed to take place in real time over the course of the film. If you've never seen this, go to your local Blockbuster and pick it up (they should have it).