(First Viewing)

Wealthy, brilliant, and meticulous Ted Crawford, a structural engineer in Los Angeles, shoots his wife and entraps her lover. He signs a confession; at the arraignment, he asserts his rights to represent himself and asks the court to move immediately to trial. The prosecutor is Willy Beachum, a hotshot who's soon to join a fancy civil-law firm, told by everyone it's an open and shut case. Crawford sees Beachum's weakness, the hairline fracture of his character: Willy's a winner. The engineer sets in motion a clockwork crime with all the objects moving in ways he predicts.

If Anthony Hopkins has disappeared in the past couple of years, he is back. D*mn did he do a great job in this and the man can play some evil sonofab*tches! The story was incredible and thought provoking. I haven't seen Mr. NOTEBOOK himself, Ryan Gosling (even though it states he was in REMEMBER THE TITANS, I don't remember him) in a film. While he did a good job as an arrogant and ego driving young lawyer, Hopkins stole the show all by himself. My only real complaint about the film was the ending.

Warning, Spoiler:
Can the bad guy get away with it just once PLEASE!