Originally Posted By: bogey
Just started my new job today. Most boring day of my life.

I've had several of those 'most boring days of my life's. I'm glad I don't plan on leaving my current job anytime soon. I just hope I don't get laid off, or more likely fired for "insubordination". Geez, all I do is argue with upper management about why they do the stupid crap that they do. It's not like I'm doing the stuff that's hurting the company... I'm just pissing people off by being the low man on the totem pole that points out the obvious things they should have known to begin with. Why is it so hard for people in power to take constructive criticism from people beneath them?

Anyway, good luck at your new job! YAY MONEY!

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes