Holy carp!!!

Calabrese to take stand in mob case
Defense testimony set for this afternoon

By Jeff Coen | Tribune staff reporter
12:36 PM CDT, August 13, 2007

His brother and son have testified against him. Now Frank Calabrese Sr. will take his turn on the witness stand at the Family Secrets trial.

Calabrese's lawyer, Joseph Lopez, informed U.S. District Judge James Zagel that his client will testify in his own defense. That testimony is expected this afternoon.

Calabrese is one of five men on trial in a sweeping Outfit conspiracy that allegedly goes back decades.

The government on Monday rested its case, and the defense was expected to begin shortly with an opening statement by defendant Joey "The Clown" Lombardo's attorney, Rick Halprin.

Lawyers on Monday morning hashed out a schedule for the defense.

Lombardo himself is expected to testify Wednesday.

Also Wednesday, witnesses for defendant James Marcello will be called. Marcello will not testify, his lawyers said Monday.

Defendant Paul Schiro expects to call no witnesses, his attorney said.

Ralph Meczyk, the lawyer for Anthony Doyle, said he will call witnesses Thursday. His client also could take the stand, Meczyk said.

I came, I saw, I had no idea what was going on, I left.