The new DeNiro movie tanked at the box office this weekend.

The other film opening this weekend, Paramount's "Stardust," a well-reviewed adult fairy tale starring Michelle Pfeiffer, didn't fare as well. It took in $9 million, good enough for fourth place behind "The Simpsons Movie," but not as much as might be expected for a film with a cast that included Robert DeNiro, Peter O'Toole and Claire Danes.

The movie's theme made it difficult to market in a 30-second TV spot, said Rob Moore, Paramount's head of worldwide marketing and distribution.

"When you make an original movie, it's always very challenging to be able to communicate to your audience what the genre is," Moore said. "These movies tend to be driven by word of mouth and home entertainment."

Moore said it is expected to do better in international markets. The movie, which cost about $70 million to make, will be rolled out in Europe and other markets in October.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.