Woohooooooooooooo! \:\)


Hey, awesome! The MLB disciplined the Jays as well!

Oh, wait. They only fined the pitcher, Matt Stairs (who tried to instigate the fight), and their third base coach. In addition, Tony Pena, A-Rod, and Larry Bowa received fines as well! Gee, I'm glad that's settled. So we lose one of our starting pitchers during a playoff push, our manager for a game, and fined...and the Blue Jays get some blow-off fines.

I'm glad to see Selig still has his head up his ass.

FWIW though, I guess it probably would be the best thing possible for the Yankees and for the rest of the league if they don't suspend Josh Towers (5-9, 5.36 ERA), who btw, called Tony Pena "a quitter" who "managed a team and quit
in the middle of the season because he couldn't hack it."

As always, the gracious response from Pena? "I have no comment. Let him talk."